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OpenSSL "image not found" issue

I'm trying out AppSpector for the first time with an iOS app. I have installed with Carthage and integrated, but when I run in the Simulator the app crashes with the following error:


Traffic Limit

Hi, how can I get more than 2gb of traffic limit?. Actually we have the Developer Plan.


GDPR Compliance

Hey there!
I've just discovered AppSepctor and it blew me away! Especially being able to inspect the network requests is amazing!
One question though as we're serving customers from the EU: is AppSpector fully GDPR compliant?
I sincerely hope it is, I have to use it. 😄


Network Collections for NSURLSession delegates

Do you plan to support tracking NSURLSessionTask s that reports to
NSURLSessionDataDelegate, NSURLSessionTaskDelegate
or to add api to your SDK that can bind responses or/and bodies to requests that already tracked in these case by your SDK?


Manifest merger failed with multiple errors, see logs

After setting the AppSpector SDK to build.gradle i am facing error AppSpector SDK to your build.gradle
plz help me with it.


iOS 12 crash: com.appspector.notificationMonitor.processingQueue

Hi All,


Add raw json response & POST body

Hi there!