Getting Started
This page will help you get started with AppSpector. You'll be up and running in a jiffy!
Hello there! 🎉 We are glad that you decided to give AppSpector a try.
Debugging with AppSpector is only a few steps away! The guide below will help you through them.
For a single user
- Create an account on our website
- Create a new Project and name it after your app (or how you like it)
- Add AppSpector SDK to your project (follow the instructions on our website or see guides for iOS / Android here)
- Launch your application
- Return to AppSpector website, and you will see your first online session
- Open your session.
You can start debugging now! Congratulations!
For a team
- Create an account on our website
- Create a new organization and invite your collaborators by email
- Create a new Project and select your organization in a dropdown. It will make app sessions visible for all team members
- Proceed as in the single user scenario starting from Add AppSpector SDK step.
Updated almost 6 years ago